Hola a todos, I just wanted to share a few ideas to get some practice in over the summer and make sure that you're coming back to Spanish classes in September full of confidence, knowledge and skill!
Memrise: The following is a course for the Pre-Challenge, Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 classes (I'm going to try to make a course for Stretch groups asap, but this course will be useful for you too- there's LOADS of new language)
Languagesonline: www.languagesonline.org.uk Lots and lots of games and practice tasks at all sorts of levels
Route 39 wiki- lots of videos to explain things: www.route39mfl.wikispaces.com
GCSE Bitesize: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/spanish/
Downloads: News in Slow Spanish: http://www.newsinslowspanish.com/
This is a great site for listening practice. They talk about the latest news, but very slowly, and with the script visible- if you want to know a word, hover over it and it shows you what it means. However, to look at any previous items you do have to pay, so it's only for every once in a while.
Coffee Break Spanish: LOADS of great opportunities to learn about how to deal with different situations in a relaxed way https://radiolingua.com/coffeebreakspanish/
Grammar Series (iTunes) - a series I made years ago to explain how to form different verbs- it might give you a giggle
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